Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead tomb location
Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead tomb location

darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead tomb location

Here you can pick up the SOUL ARBITER'S SCROLL Y1 – these are the next in the series (I thought we were done too but they just keep coming). You should have seen the red skull to the right. Keep going ahead and kill any thing that gets in your way. Uriel warns you of many things, a broken rod, an imminent threat and the hungry beasts. But wait…there's a Phase Surface on top, use the stairs to get to the surface and go thru it…. You can spot a wall post outside so use it to get to the top and go thru the door and you come into a throne room of sorts – but it's empty just like Lilith told it would be. Go backwards and you will come to another void surface, use it to get to the book of dead page and get back to the center of this area. If you go to the left edge of this platform, you can catch a glimpse of the surface and shoot a void in it. To the right of the page in the distance is a Void Surface. As soon as you come out, look to the right to spot the BOOK OF DEAD PAGE Z6. In the middle of the thin strip of lane you are on, you can find, yet another phase surface. Go thru the next door too and you come to a lever, pull it and go to the left and use the ledges to get below to the next area.

darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead tomb location

Go back after taking the key and when you come to the other Phase Surface just outside, use it and go ahead towards the locked door – which has a path to it now. Kill the things inside and you come to a Void Surface and a shadow bomb. You need to dodge the fireballs and use Deathgrip on the Maelstrom so it loses balance. The room is guarded by a Maelstrom and it begins to drop fire balls as soon as you go thru – blowing you back. Switch to your other form (it is very important that one part stays in front of the void you just shot), make the other form go thru the grill which opened to the left and you come to some ledges which take you into a room to the right. If you mistakenly shoot a charged void then shoot into the phase surface you came thru to make the void disappear and come back and shoot a normal void (using the Phasewalker itself). Stand directly in front of the void surface and shoot a void – it has to be a normal void and not a charged void. Make a part go right and you come to a void surface. Now, stand on the plate and split yourself so that the reaper statue is on the plate. Look to the left here on the path you are on and you see a Pressure Plate which opens the grill to the left.

Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead tomb location